Books wow I like books so much 💖 bet you didn't expect a guy like me, Xan, to read.
Favorite musicians
In no particular order. It's surprising how some of these people are connected... 👀
Youtubers and other content creators
I literally cannot list the hundreds (at least half a thousand) of people I'm subscribed to. Also, some musicians aren't listed here and some YouTubers aren't listed there. YouTube
Feature films and series I've enjoyed
Randomly put here with poor memory.
Good books that I read
I've read a lot more than these books, but I could only remember a few. I have a tracker now so I can keep track of all of them.
Fun games I've played
Wow, what fun. 🤯 Steam
You want to visit my website?
Yes, you do: | Made by the person who made this one.
This website was inspired by Spotify
I use Retro Music & YouTube Music instead.
Want to take a look at Retro Music? Swaggy 👀!
uh oh
I think you might've clicked the wrong button...
All of a sudden, silence.You knew you had made a mistake...
But, at what cost?